Meme Supercycle

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We have been bullish for a while and it's been playing out pretty well.

Model longs (not just memes) have been on fire. many of them are up multiples.

Majors BTC ETH SOL have had another phenomenal weekly close.

The stage is set for all-time high on all of them. we could be getting that very soon.


old subscribers know that I have been bullish memes this whole cycle.

in the previous cycles, memes typically used to run hard in the tail-end climax move but not this time.

one of the earliest data point the model was picking up was every time there was a breakout memes ran hard.

heres my tweet from last year

also I have written many tweet threads on my rationale on why memes and how I pick the meme playbook too.

but when some of the big CT accounts publish a intellectual post like this it gets the attention of the entire community.

heres the link to the full post

I believe now we are firmly into the territory when the memes go completely crazy.

how crazy?

many of the web3quant subscribers are already up 300x+ (not a typo)

on WIF. and it can go on to do another 10x from here.

it wasn't just about identifying wif but from very early on having the conviction that

wif was going to be doge/shib of this cycle. and calling for $10 when wif was in its infancy.

Most of our other sol meme picks have done really well too like

popcat and circle is up about 15x

and I believe now its time for the smaller memes to run hard.

for instance, popcat could be the first cat coin to hit a billion $ mcap


and others memes could be 100million-1b range.

if you are in disbelief then let me remind you during the last cycle while doge and Shib got all the headline attention for being at 40-80 billion at peak

there were tons of memes with 1B+ mcaps

Here are the SOL memes that I am bullish on.

Here's the ticker, name, and contract address of the new one

STAN (Stanley Cup Coin)


while solana memes is where I am most bullish on.

memes overall will do well. I have mentioned a few in the last update

stuff like pepe floki are up 400% since.

web3quant indicator can be used to play those very well.

NOTE: i am not putting meme disclosure here as the post is too long already. refer to those from previous posts.

Crypto Stocks

no change from what was mentioned previously.

CLSK MARA GLXY COIN KR1 are the cycle picks and are looking really good.

for short-term trading, you can use the web3quant indicator on those.

coming to model positions.

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