Sol Meme play

Sol meme season is heating up.

a lot of meme coins looking ripe for the next leg up.

NOTE: will NOT be tracking them along with the trend model updates as these cannot be purely played via trend models nor are they available on tradingview to run the indicator

If it moves 10x-20x dont wait for updates.

formulate your own profit booking and reentering strategy.

many of them have 90% drawdowns. its not for everyone.

wont be answering "if you hold this or that" or "what should I do now" questions.

will tweet about them as I see momentum in the markets.

Here's the ticker, name, and contract address.

WYNN (Anita Max WYNN) - 4vqYQTjmKjxrWGtbL2tVkbAU1EVAz9JwcYtd2VE3PbVU

The current market cap is 5mil and its ATH is around 85mil.

the charts also look primed for a 10x move.

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